As some of you may know, Amy did a month-long artist residency in the Eastfjords of Iceland at the Fish Factory Creative Center.

Since I love Iceland, I went to visit her on the last few days of her residency.

The Fish Factory is a remarkable, amazing, wonderful place. It’s far from the beaten path in an absolutely gorgeous town. Every month, they welcome artists in different disciplines to come and spend time there working on projects. “You should apply,” said Amy.

After I got back, I decided that I definitely wanted to go there. It would be amazing to be there to work on anything, but I wanted to figure out something that would really take advantage of the area, the scenery, the environment, and the vibe (all of which are unique).

It took me a few weeks to come up with a plan… and then to write my application essay, gather my materials and apply.

Long story short: I got in. I’ll be going to Iceland this November for an entire month at the Fish Factory in the Eastfjords working on an immersive, multimedia storytelling project.

And I want you to come with me (virtually). So, I’m announcing the launch of my Echoes of Iceland, the home for my #IcelandProject #ProjectIceland

There is not yet a lot on the site, but visit Echoes of Iceland for more info as we get closer to November (and for lots of cool stuff when I’m there in November).

Additionally, I started a Patreon to help offset some of the costs of this project. You can follow along for free or support at any level to get some cool bonus stuff now (and MUCH MORE IN NOVEMBER). For more information, visit the Echoes of Iceland Patreon.

Categories: Uncategorized